Sample courses
This course describes and explains a 3 step approach to
cyber security. The modules Begin with the planning phase, moves onto the implementation
phase and finishes with the reviewing phase. The course is exceptionally useful
for owners of small businesses and IT support staff.
I used this course to implement our cyber security in our offices;
I found the course easy to understand and the approach easy to follow. I am
happy to recommend this to anyone looking to implement a cyber security
Uthmaan IT Support at Apex
Select Link to view the full course: Cyber Security
Troubleshooting Tools (Software Demonstration)

The demonstrations are clear and focus on not just using the tools but explaining them.
Select Link to view the full course: Troubleshooting Tools
I used this course to give me a better understanding of some windows 7 troubleshooting tools, found it to be very useful and easy to follow, it is well written and easy to understand.
Faheem, IT Technician Al-Aqsa School
Six Step
Trouble-shooting Methodology (Interactive Infographic)
This course explains the six essential steps to follow when
problem solving IT support Issues. The course explains in detail while testing
the learners understanding of the six steps. The info graph finishes by
providing the learner scenario based test, checking how their knowledge has
Select Link to view the full course: Six Steps Infographic
I found these online modules easy to use and a lot more
interesting than the power points. I like the fact that you have to solve
problems on it and it’s a lot more interactive rather than having power points
with long paragraphs on each slide, it makes learning more fun!
Charlotte, Design Support at Diamond Boutique
Policies and
Procedures that Impact IT Support (Storyboard session)
This course is a designed for IT support technicians who are
working on multiple sites. It uses a constructivism theory and provides
information advice and guidance on the challenges faced by technicians. The learner
goes through a journey in which they understand different perspectives of
businesses and how the IT Support Technician’s role fits in.
Select Link to view the full course: Policies and Procedures that Impact IT Support
to a business, like what can go wrong and the impacts that the company can encounter.
Below are examples of individual learning objects:
Using a Graph to Demonstrate Working Through Steps:
Using a Fishbone Diagram to Group Items
A Drag and Drop Activity:
Using TED-ED to gain learner understanding by demonstrating a video:
This is the link to a blog I created for teaching learners
how to use search engines:
The Blog links in well with my course objective: How to optimise search engine results.
Which is part of a wider outcome which is to develop basic technology skills.
Students will be sent a link to the blog, they will then
access the blog and read the information present, while reading the information
they will begin to conceptualise the knowledge. This will be further cemented
with the demo on the blog.
Learners are then asked to complete an activity to
demonstrate the skill, this activity is prescriptive and it uses behavioural
learning methods.
They are then finally asked to develop a search which is personal
to them, this is to create a sense of need and building of personal attribute
in their learning. (Constructivism-Learning)
The one element that is missed out on the blog is an
instructors ability to give feedback, this is usually done via an exam, however
having students to interact their learning with the instructor would help
support motivation and leaners understanding of the course.
This could be implemented with a mandatory element in
writing a comment for each student detailing their searches.
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