Online Learning Communication Strategy/Syllabus

Below is a five step strategy set to promote online learning communication:

1. Send a VLE announcement, as below.

2. Send all learners a welcome e-mail, explaining policies and procedures including participation requirements. (Late submissions, e & d and effective communication with instructor.)

3. Develop an effective assesment plan which learners can view and monitor their progress throughout the course. The key here is for learners to know their objectives and outcomes.

4. VARK questionnaire. Understand students’ strengths and weaknesses.

5. Question the instructor, allowing learners to gain effective feedback and dispel misunderstandings of the course.

I feel the above strategies help develop interaction between instructor and students.

There are various communication means that show the learner that the instructor is there supporting them. The announcement coupled with the assessment plan helps guide the learner in a specific direction, it instills within the learner that the instructor is there to help. This is because the announcement is a one to many communication route which establishes a community/group presence and the email/assessment plan helps establish a one to one communication route.

As stated above it follows Kellers Arcs model for learning motivation, which is key for learner success.

The VARK questionnaire is used for the instructor to better understand leaners learning styles. The instructor question and answers are used for the learners to better understand the instructor,  I believe knowing the instructor better helps break down communication barriers and gets the students in a frame of mind of which they are used to asking instructor questions. Based on the familiarity principle.

The VLE announcement at the beginning of the course, would be something that promotes learners to get involved and support their motivation.

With a view to follow the arcs model it is designed to get their attention. Furthermore the relevance of the course will be reassured.

Example of an VLE announcement:

"Welcome to Learning about Networking, are you ready to develop various networks for businesses? We will be covering over the next 8 weeks the software/hardware and business knowledge needed for developing networks."

This announcement will be relayed over their screen for the entire first week.

I have developed a four stage plan for effective interaction during the introduction phase of the course as above.

Overall I feel the above is a robust method of developing effective interaction at the early stages of an online course. Students benefit from individual and community based interactions. Furthermore they get to know the instructor but importantly the instructor gets to know them.

Online Learning Syllabus

Network Design and Maintenance
Junaid Mangera
Other Instructor Information:
Contact Hours 9:00 am-9:00 pm GMT, Phone number: 078910670080,e-mail:
Section Number:
Section 01/ 05/14-03/05/14
Credit hours:
20 hours per week.
Course description:
Designing and maintaining a network, Includes Network topologies, network cabling, how to develop  a scalable network using modern networking technologies, such as: VOIP, Cloud, Fibre Optic and 4G. drawing physical and logical network maps and network virtualization.
[Computer Hardware knowledge, English Literacy]
Course Materials Needed:
[Course Book: CompTIA Network+ Study Guide, ISBN: 9781118137550 ,
Resources needed: Access to a computer, Cisco packet tracer.
Supplementary materials: Professor messer network+ videos,
Cisco network design guide:]
Learning Outcomes, Objectives, and Course Competencies:
Outcome 1. Design a network:
Ø  Objective 1.1 Understand different network technologies and how they collaborate with each other
Ø  Objective 1.2 Be able to design a logical network map and a physical network map
Ø  Objective 1.3 Learn how to use cisco packet tracer
Ø  Objective 1.4 Be able to diagnose potential network issues including: RFI, EMI, attenuation
Outcome 2. Maintaining a network
Ø  Objective 2.1 Use SNMP tools such as solarwinds
Ø  Objective 2.2 Troubleshooting networking tools: PING, PATHPING, TRACERT
Ø  Objective 2.3 Cable management
Ø  Objective 2.4 Using routers, switches and wireless access points
Assessment of Student Learning:
Week 4 :Multiple choice test based on Objective 1.1, and 1.4 (20% of final mark)
Week 5: Create a sophisticated network in cisco packet tracer demonstrating knowledge of complexities of networks. (This task will be ongoing from week 1 onwards, you will develop the network and complete it for week 5) This counts to 20% of your final mark.
Week 7(Summative assessment 40% of final mark) Assignment 1: Create a network design plan
Week  8 Troubleshoot faulty network as provided by assessor (20% of your final mark)
Every two weeks feedback will be provided by your tutor.
Late Work/Make-up Test Policy:
All learners are required to provide two days notice with regards to late submissions, This will then be discussed with your tutor who will then decide based on the reasons provided whether to give an extension or not. In most cases where reasons are reasonable.
Failure to submit work on time and failure to follow above procedure leads to a 5% reduction on assignment results.
All learners will not be able to progress the course without completing relevant assignments (milestones) within the course, furthermore we require a 65% achievement rate.
In the best interest of the student, unless the assignments have been approved we require you to resit the module until you meet the requirements. (this is because the course works in a sequence and missing one module will disadvantage you in the next module.)



Productive Classroom Learning Environment:

We are fully committed to celebrating equality and diversity. We promote an atmosphere where each student feel s comfortable sharing and learning knowledge within the virtual world. We will ensure all students are treated respect, courtesy and supportively.
A really important feature is participation as to creating a mutual and enjoyable learning environment, all students are required to take part in discussions and this will be observed.

Plagiarism Policy:

We have a straightforward plagiarism rule, that is get caught once and your out.
Learning Environment Expectations:
[We expect:
Politeness and courteous behavior
No haranguing of colleagues
Ensure you protect each others data within the virtual world
No cyber-bullying or stalking
Ensure good use of resources and share valuable information with others
Ensure effective contact with tutor and faculty members.]
Disabilities act
Students with disabilities who need accommodations to achieve course objectives should file an accommodation application with Learning Services.
Student Evaluation:
Student will be provided regular feedback on their courses, they will also have a two week review of which their participation within discussions, time spent on resources and grades will  be discussed.
Midterm grades:
Your grades will be regularly updated with the percentage of each assignment and overall per-centage, retakes will have to be completed next course date.
How final grades are determined:
Your final grade is based on all assignments completed and the results received from them
[pass: 60%, Merit: 70% distinction:80% of overall mark]



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